There can be no judgment without grace and no grace without judgement. It does us well to remember when confronted with news, publicity, social uprisings and accusations - there is always another story, lost in a whisper amid the shouting.
While I would quickly and loudly agree that the events surrounding the murder of Trayvon Martin tell a story of injustice and prejudicial actions for which justice should be demanded, the noise of Social Media and demonstrations are so loud that I feel the need to ask another question. Are we shouting for 'blood' in our cries for justice or is there the desire to see a man not only held accountable for his actions, but pressed to change?
What will happen if George Zimmerman is arrested and goes to trial? What happens next? I can't help but wonder what miracle might happen if the same intensity that called for 'justice' then turned to a cry for his transformation. Could anyone refuse the impact of such a mass intervention and call to change?
Could Social Media become a stimulus of personal and individual transformation? Is it possible to demonstrate for something new as well as against something current?
Why do I ask this question? Because, there was a moment in my life when I stood before a judge and a mob crying for 'justice' and what I needed at that moment was a voice - loud enough for me to hear over the noise of judgment - that said, "Come this way. You can be different, renewed - we'll show you how and help you do it." Fortunately for me, the call was there and I listened.
If we have the chance to offer that same call in this case, I hope we will.